Stephen LeachIn Praise of Pyrrhonian ScepticismRadical scepticism has a good claim to be both the longest lasting tradition in philosophy and the consistently least popular. There’s a lot to be said for it. (more...)
Are You A Nihilist?James TartagliaThe terminology of ‘nihilism’ and ‘the meaning of life’ emerged among a small group …
Mother Knows BestMichael HauskellerI know it’s got to be done. Even so, I still feel bad about it. If it were up to me, …
Should We Fear Technological Unemployment?Michael HauskellerTechnology might lead to widespread unemployment. But will this necessarily be a bad …
Andreas MatthiasWestern Ethics TheoriesThe Shortest Possible OverviewWe examine the basic ideas behind the four main Western ethics theories: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, social contract ethics and virtue ethics. (more...)
The Ultimate Guide to the Philosophy of Erich FrommBiography, ideas, booksA comprehensive overview of Erich Fromm’s philosophy of happiness. We discuss his life, his ideas and his main works, both in their historical context and how they are still relevant for us today. (more...)
Epicurus: A Guide to the Principal DoctrinesText, commentary and study guideThe Principal Doctrines is the main work of Epicurus on happiness. This article presents the original text with explanations and discussion questions. It also includes tips for organising an Epicurus reading group or book club. (more...)
Socrates on Knowing NothingPhilosophy in QuotesExplore philosophy through its most famous quotes! Today: Socrates on knowing that you know nothing. (more...)
David E. CooperJeremy Bentham on Animal EthicsPhilosophy in QuotesA history of philosophy in its most famous quotes. Today: Jeremy Bentham on the suffering of animals: “The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?” (more...)
Marcus Aurelius on OpinionsPhilosophy in QuotesExplore philosophy through its most famous quotes. Today: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations: “It is in our power to have no opinion about a thing, and not to be disturbed in our soul…” (more...)
Luca Possati on TranshumanismPhilosopher interviewsLuca M. Possati is researcher at the University of Porto, Portugal. Educated as philosopher, he has been lecturer at the Institut Catholique de Paris and associate researcher of the Fonds Ricoeur and EHESS (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales). (more...)
Involuntary Heroes, Accidental Saints. Catherine Greene on Her Book “The Red Hairband”Andreas MatthiasCatherine Greene is a philosopher and writer. In this interview, we discuss her new …
Wael B. Hallaq on Islamic Law and Human RightsPhilosopher interviewsWael B. Hallaq (وائل حلاق) is a leading scholar of Islamic law and Islamic …
Robert Rodriguez: The Book of HermitsBook reviewRobert Rodriguez’ “The Book of Hermits” is a work of impressive scholarship, covering the global history and lore of eremitism from antiquity to the present. (more...)
Superhero Thought ExperimentsBook reviewSuperhero Thought Experiments, by Chris Gavaler and Nathaniel Goldberg, is a very enjoyable book that presents classic arguments from philosophy by discussing examples of superhero comics. (more...)
Andreas MatthiasShould a Liberal State Ban the Burqa?Book reviewShould a Liberal State Ban the Burqa? by Brandon Robshaw, is a very clear, instructive and carefully argued book that shows off philosophy at its best. (more...)
Let’s Talk About LoveThe complexities of understanding loveLove is a very complex phenomenon that encompasses sex, friendship, self-love and selflessness, as well as God’s love in many religious traditions. (more...)
Gregory HarmsHobbes ReconsideredHobbes’s conception of humankind in a state of nature begins with the idea that everyone is more or less equal and free. (more...)
May 31, 2024Luka ZurkicWhat does Philosophy do?What could have led to the fact that the study of philosophy does not encourage independent thinking? (more...)
Dao De JingThe Taoist book of the WayThe Dao De Jing, literally “The Classic of the Way and the Virtue,” is traditionally attributed to an author known only as Lao Zi, which means “Old Master.” (more...)
David E. CooperThe Rhetoric of RefugeOn the wish to retreat from the worldThe rhetoric or metaphor of refuge from the world has largely disappeared from religious, social and ethical debate. The contrast with the past is striking. (more...)
Solitude and ContentmentLessons from hermit livesHermits have always lived apart from the societies of their times. But do they have the secret key to happiness? (more...)
Why We Should Read DescartesJohn ShandThe overall aim of Descartes’ philosophy is to found science on a secure and …
The Most Hated Philosopher: Spinoza on GodPhilosophy in Quotes“The eternal and infinite being we call ‘God’ or ‘Nature’ necessarily acts as it …
Are some desires better than others?Epicurus on what is natural and what is vainEpicurus believed that the most reliable way to be happy is to reduce one’s desires …
Aristotle's Highest GoodIn the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that we can recognise the highest good …
Aristotle and the Roots of Deep EcologyModern ecological ethics reaches back to Aristotle and his idea that the flourishing …
Richard Taylor on the Creative LifeReal creativity is not only in artRichard Taylor (1919–2003) thought that it’s creativity that makes us feel happy and …
The Ukraine Conflict: Conduct in WarPhilosophy and current affairsWhat are the laws that apply during a war? We discuss the jus in bello and the requirements of discrimination, proportionality and necessity. Just War Theory applied to the current conflict in the Ukraine. (more...)
Kant’s Ethics: What is a Categorical Imperative?A Daily Philosophy primerKant’s ethics is based on the value of one’s motivation and two so-called Categorical Imperatives, or general rules that must apply to every action. (more...)
Legalising drugsThe Accented Philosophy PodcastThe relevant philosophy podcast with Dr Ezechiel Thibaud and Dr Andreas Matthias. Two philosophers with cute accents and their guests discuss the intricacies of modern life. Brought to you by Every Tuesday. Today: Should we legalise drugs? (more...)
Who Owns Space?The Accented Philosophy PodcastThe relevant philosophy podcast with Dr Ezechiel Thibaud and Dr Andreas Matthias. Two philosophers with cute accents and their guests discuss the intricacies of modern life. Brought to you by Every Tuesday. Today: Who owns space? (more...)
Lorenzo Buscicchi, Dan Weijers, Nick MunnEnlightened Self-InterestFriends with benefitsIf you explain to a friend that Hedonistic Egoism advocates the pursuit of one’s own pleasure, the first reaction you may get is: “so why not kill a person, steal his money and buy a new phone?” If you do get this reaction, it may be time to get a new friend. (more...)
When Is It Right to Break the Law?Ethics and law are not the sameEthics and the law are not the same and it can indeed be morally right, and even indicated, to break the law in certain situations. (more...)
August 19: Happy Birthday, Gene Roddenberry!Creator of Star Trek and dreamer for a better worldGene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek (August 19, 1921 - October 24, 1991). (more...)
Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976)Are philosophers like map-makers?Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976) was a British philosopher, primarily concerned with the nature of the mind and the role of philosophy in the world. (more...)
Thales of MiletusA stroll through the history of philosophyThales of Miletus is generally cited as one of the first philosophers, although his contributions extended to many sciences and even to business endeavors. (more...)
October 25, 2024Daniele FulviPhilosophy and the Climate CrisisThinking Clearly to Help Ensure the Future of HumanityPhilosophy and the Climate Crisis. Shortlisted entry for the Daily Philosophy Global Essay Contest 2024. (more...)
October 18, 2024Daniel GregoryThe Surprising Threat to Human SocietyHow can philosophy help ensure the future of humanity? Shortlisted entry for the Daily Philosophy Global Essay Contest 2024. (more...)
October 12, 2024John ShandIn Praise of MisinformationThere have been increasingly clamorous calls for the banning, removal, or controlling, or censoring of ‘misinformation’ as an enforced general policy. (more...)
October 4, 2024John Young MyersVerdictWe, the Jury, duly impaneled and sworn, upon our oaths, do find the defendant, of her own free will, as to Count One, guilty of First-degree Murder. (more...)
September 20, 2024Özlem KarakusIrvin Yalom: The Spinoza ProblemBook reviewIrvin Yalom’s (b. 1931) The Spinoza Problem: A Novel (Basic Books 2013) intertwines history and philosophy, offering a fresh perspective on two distinct but connected lives. (more...)
September 15, 2024Avery WarfieldHow Many Cows Does It Take?Navigating the Trolley Problem's Moral DilemmaHere, instead of five people versus one person, the trolley is heading toward N cows and diverting it will kill one person. (more...)