Welcome to Daily Philosophy!
This site is edited by Dr Andreas Matthias, assistant professor of philosophy.
Daily Philosophy aims to make philosophy more accessible to the public, both by providing introductory articles on the history, areas and problems of philosophy and by applying philosophical thought to everyday problems.
We publish original articles, guest articles, interviews and book reviews. Find a list of all articles here
Authors and interview partners
Many notable philosophers have written articles or have been interviewed for Daily Philosophy and we cooperate with new guest authors every week. Some of the most prominent and original minds in philosophy featured on Daily Philosophy include:
- Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Associate Professor at the Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Australia.
- David E. Cooper, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Durham University, UK.
- Emanuele Costa, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University.
- Catherine Greene, Research Associate at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics, UK.
- Wael B. Hallaq, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University, leading scholar of Islamic law and Islamic intellectual history.
- Michael Hauskeller, Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Liverpool, UK.
- Sofia Jeppsson, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Umeå University, Sweden.
- Ian James Kidd, Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Nottingham.
- Stephen Leach, Honorary Senior Fellow at Keele University, UK.
- Luis de Miranda, Researcher at the Center for Medical Humanities of Uppsala University, author and founder of the Philosophical Health movement.
- John Shand, Visiting Fellow in Philosophy at the Open University, UK.
- Andrei Simionescu-Panait, Philosophy Lecturer at the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, teaching philosophy of technology and history of philosophy.
- James Tartaglia, Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at Keele University, UK.
- Roman V. Yampolskiy, Tenured Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville.
- Robert Zaborowski, Professor at the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
A complete list of all authors, interview partners and their articles can be found on the authors page.
Testimonials on the site and the books
“Daily Philosophy has quickly established itself as one of the most imaginatively themed philosophy web magazines. Readers will welcome and learn from this series of books of essays by the magazine’s Editor on the theme of happiness. With clarity, erudition and wit, the author draws on philosophical wisdom - ancient and modern, Eastern and Western - to illuminate the nature of the authentically happy life.” – David E. Cooper, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Durham University, UK.
“The book Live Happier with Aristotle is a commendable introduction to the practice of philosophical health, or how to combine the best version of yourself with what Aristotle called eudaimonia, a spirited joy based on a virtuous and meaningful life. Andreas Matthias is a master of pedagogic clarity.” – Luis de Miranda, Founder of the Philosophical Health movement.
“A pleasure to read and enormously useful: Andy Matthias does a marvellous job applying the insights of the great philosophical classics to our everyday lives and making very clear suggestions what we can do to live better. Highly recommended!” – Michael Hauskeller, Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Liverpool, UK.
Find all the Daily Philosophy Guides to Happiness and the Daily Philosophy Kindle magazine here.
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Live Happier with Aristotle: Inspiration and Workbook (Daily Philosophy Guides to Happiness).
In this book, philosophy professor, founder and editor of the Daily Philosophy web magazine, Dr Andreas Matthias takes us all the way back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the search for wisdom and guidance on how we can live better, happier and more satisfying lives today.
Get it now on Amazon! Click here!

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