March 23, 1900: Birthday of social psychologist Erich Fromm.
Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a German social psychologist and philosopher who criticised modern capitalist society on the basis of Marxist and Freudian arguments. He is known for his books discussing how to create better societies and his analysis of love.
Should Buddhists Be Social Activists?
Ian James Kidd
Buddhism is widely admired in the West for its commitments to progressive social …
The Hermit of the Lonely Loch
Ian James Kidd
Aspiring hermits have many motivations. Smith eloquently testifies to his reasons, …
The Real Happiness Machine
Michael Hauskeller
In many of Bradbury’s stories we can find an entire philosophy of life that is well …
Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha (1)
Hermann Hesse and Romanticism
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Roman Yampolskiy on the dangers of AI
Philosopher interviews
Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy, professor in the Department of Computer Science and …
Shane Epting on the Philosophy of Cities
Andreas Matthias
Shane Epting is an assistant professor of philosophy. In this interview, we discuss …
Luca Possati on Transhumanism
Philosopher interviews
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