New Video Series: Western Ethics Theories
The Shortest Possible Overview
2 minutes read
- 255 words
A new series of Daily Philosophy whiteboard explainer videos has just been published on YouTube. It gives a very short, and hopefully amusing, introduction to the main theories of Western ethics.
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The video series
Western Ethics Theories: The Shortest Possible Overview.
The article
Find the series as one article right here on Daily Philosophy:

Andreas Matthias: Western Ethics Theories
We examine the basic ideas behind the four main Western ethics theories: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, social contract ethics and virtue ethics.

Andreas Matthias teaches philosophy, currently at an Asian university. He specialises in AI and robot ethics, but also teaches Philosophy of Happiness, Philosophy of Love, AI and Society, Misinformation and the Media, History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Technology courses. He is the author of a number of books and founder and editor of the Daily Philosophy web magazine, the Daily Philosophy weekly newsletter, the Accented Philosophy Podcast and the Daily Philosophy YouTube Channel.
Andreas Matthias on Daily Philosophy: